The Portucale Motif #08

The Portucale Motif  #08

O Motivo Portucale # 08


27th January, international day of one of the greatest specialities of our beautiful Portugal – the Port wine.


There are many quality fortified and dessert wines, but true Port Wine only comes from the Port appellation in our country, one of the world’s oldest regulated and demarcated wine regions.


Port grapes are grown in the Douro Valley, located approximately 100 kilometres from the city of Oporto, where Port gets its name. The Douro Valley is surrounded by rugged mountain ranges that produce a hot, dry climate. While the flaky, arid soil presents unique challenges for the winemakers who build row upon row of terraces, it’s the combination of the climate and soil that makes Port unlike any other wine.


These wines are characterized by their intense aroma, sweetness and high alcohol. According to its production process or characteristics of port wines can be classified into different categories; Ruby, Late Bottled Vintage, Vintage, Single Quinta Vintage, Tawny, Colheita, White and Rosé. Also noteworthy among the wines matured in sealed bottles and matured in oak barrels.


For the 27th January day, let´s also remember and honour all the victims of Holocaust and genocides across the world.


During the current crisis, we are fortunate as a brand to be agile and work from home to keep our business operating, whilst ensuring our employees are safe.


For those self-isolating or social distancing, let us be #farbutclosetoyou. As we navigate through these uncertain times, we want to carry on doing what we do best and staying connected with you all. 


Our team is still online and is ready to help you, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Dare to taste a Portuguese Flavour!


Discover now the best Port Wines to relax with a loved one and cheers to life!

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