The Portucale Motif #13

The Portucale Motif #13
Discover our regions and grape varieties! We have more than 200 different ones!
Dear Reader,
Thank you for keeping up with us.
Portugal is one of the countries in the world with the greatest variety of indigenous varieties. Our native varieties make our national production a unique case and give Portuguese wines a big differentiation from the production of the rest of Europe and even the world.
Opposing to the world trend that involves concentrating on a small number of grape varieties, Portugal was able to preserve and currently holds around 250 indigenous varieties.
However, in a world wine market dominated by varietal wines, the projection of our many grape varieties, the vast majority of which are produced in small productions, is still “timid”.
Today, we are going to let you know the 10 that we consider most relevant:
Touriga Nacional | Trincadeira | Baga | Alvarinho | Arinto | Encruzado | Avesso | Touriga Franca | Viosinho

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